
I believe that all people who seek health care should be met by a compassionate, knowledgeable practitioner who welcomes and celebrates diversity. As a Registered Massage Therapist, my intentions are to support release of tension, injury recovery, pain reduction, enhanced embodiment and effective management of persistent concerns.

I work with a broad clientele and provide a non-judgemental, inquiry-based approach that acknowledges the significant role that stress and trauma can play in a person’s experience of their body. In recognition of the complexities of people’s lives and the uniqueness of their needs, I maintain a holistic perspective and develop a tailored yet flexible treatment plan. I aim to provide sessions that balance fundamentals with innovation in response to client wishes.

As a practitioner, I possess a curious nature and a calm demeanour. I see massage as an art and skill equally supported by intellect and intuition, collaboration, consent and co-regulation. I enjoy facilitating bodily connection for people on terms that make sense to them.

My ongoing personal practices include movement (non-linear exploration, yoga, pilates, swimming and weight training) as well as meditation & mindfulness. Spending time in nature and exploring wilder places is also essential to my self care. I encourage clients to find ways that our sessions can similarly support balance in their lives.