What I do

A Registered Massage Therapy appointment with me typically includes a discussion of your relevant history, concerns and goals, followed by physical assessment, hands-on therapy, and self-care recommendations to aid your progress after treatment. My massage techniques include oil-based non-oil based methods: Swedish relaxation, neuromuscular technique, myofascial release, osteopathic, craniosacral and visceral approaches. I have trained extensively in order to develop a practice that is trauma-informed and focuses on supporting the nervous system through intentional contact and co-regulating touch. I strive to create a safer space in order for you to be able to get the most out of massage therapy.

I do not offer deep-tissue high-pressure treatments, but I have been told that my sessions feel deep nonetheless. Clients often say that they have a sense of it being “safe to let go” which then allows for a greater relaxation of the accumulated tensions and bracing patterns a person may have been holding. I will work with your body rather than trying to dominate it with my hands. I may also draw your attention to patterns in your body that may not have had attention previously.

Communication is an essential element of the therapeutic relationship— I am an RMT who will listen to your needs and co-create a session to support you. If you’re feeling the need for sensation-based deep relaxation, a treatment can be quiet and soothing, based in affective touch. If you’re curious about your body, I may include dynamic or still techniques, experiential anatomy, dialogue and facilitated awareness practices. If you have challenges with contact and are bravely exploring your relationship to embodiment, seeking safe and boundaried care, let’s highlight consent and take things at your pace. Some treatments will not require the removal of any clothing and for those that do, any area not needing direct contact will be covered by an opaque sheet.

I treat people of all ages and backgrounds, experiencing a range of conditions including but not limited to:
stress and anxiety, PTSD, depression, headaches, back concerns, insomnia, neck & shoulder tension and pain, jaw issues from clenching and grinding, injury rehabilitation, reduced mobility, nerve compression, scars and surgery recovery, repetitive strain, persistent pain, abdominal and pelvic tension, digestive concerns, and osteoarthritis. I also enjoy providing care to folks at all stages of pregnancy and post-partum.

Over the past several years I’ve studied somatic approaches to support trauma recovery. I do not provide counselling as part of my RMT offerings, rather, I use the knowledge I have gained so that I may consciously work to earn trust and provide an accessible environment that fosters resilience, self-determination and wellbeing within the context of a massage therapy treatment. It is not uncommon for my clients to work with a counsellor or psychotherapist as well. For more information on trauma-informed practice, here is an excellent article on the Intent Health Clinic website: https://intenthealth.ca/blog/trauma-informed-massage-therapy/