I believe that all people who seek health care should be met by a compassionate, knowledgeable professional who welcomes and celebrates diversity. As a Registered Massage Therapist, my intentions are to support release of tension, injury recovery and pain reduction. I also aim to enhance embodiment and offer effective management of persistent concerns. I believe that trauma is more pervasive than we imagine and am humbled by the personal work it takes to create safer spaces and am committed to continuing to develop in order to become a better ally to my clients.

I understand and acknowledge that societal conditioning has led to harmful body-objectification, perpetuating oppressive beliefs that certain bodies may not be correct, preferred, appropriate or worthy of care. I cultivate an environment intended to liberate us from the biases of dominant cultural assumptions, where we focus instead on the sensorial present-moment experience to guide the session. In addition, I believe that neurodivergence contributes to a fuller range of human flourishing. If your needs are not met by typical massage techniques, we can explore ways of working that honour your unique sensory experience.

I commit to maintaining a strength-based perspective and holding in reverence the capacities of your amazing body, even when you do not or cannot. I am not here to tell you what is wrong with you or your body—my role is to help you meet your goals and have the hands-on session you want to have.

I possess a curious nature and a calm demeanour. I see massage as an art and skill equally supported by intellect and intuition. The foundation of collaboration, consent and co-regulation is essential to my work. I enjoy facilitating bodily connection for people on terms that make sense to them.

I work with a broad clientele and provide a non-judgemental, inquiry-based approach that acknowledges the significant role that stress and trauma can play in a person’s experience of their body. In recognition of the complexities of people’s lives and the uniqueness of their needs, I maintain a holistic perspective and develop a tailored yet flexible treatment plan. I aim to provide sessions that balance fundamentals with innovation in response to client wishes.

My ongoing personal practices include movement (embodiment explorations, yoga, pilates, cycling, swimming and weight training) as well as meditation & mindfulness. Spending time in nature and exploring wilder places through hiking and kayaking is also essential to my self care. I encourage clients to find ways that our sessions can similarly support balance in their lives.